Repairs and improvements

Report a repair

How to repair, emergency repairs and what happens after you've reported a repair.

Types of repairs

There are different types of repairs you might report, including emergency repairs, urgent repairs, routine repairs, planned programme repairs and routine maintenance.

Rechargeable repairs

What a rechargeable repair is, and when you will and won't be charged.

Repair inspections

About repair inspections, making an appointment, and what happens if you refuse access.

Responsibility of repairs

Find out about what our responsibilities are and what your responsibilities are for maintaining your property,

Improvements and alterations

About improvements and alterations in your home, how to apply to make improvements and information on making changes to your house.

Repairs and maintenance advice

Watch our repairs and maintenance advice videos.

Gas servicing

How to make an appointment to get your gas appliances serviced, what happens on the day, and what to do in an emergency.

Handyperson service

About our handyperson service, what type of jobs can be done, how to get an appointment, who carries out thew work and more.

Changes to your home

What adaptions can be made to your home, moving into an adapted property and asking for an adaption to be removed.


If you're moving into a new home or have had Decent Homes work carried out, we will sometimes give you a payment to help you with the cost of decorating your home.

Empty homes repairs

About our empty homes repairs service.

Garden tidy service

About our garden tidy service and how to get a quote.

Electrical safety inspections

About our electrical safety inspections and what it involves.

Keeping your home warm during winter

Advice on how to keep your home warm during winter.

The Digital Switch: moving from analogue to digital landlines

As part of a national upgrade, local landlines will be switching over to a digital alternative.